I hear it's snowing outside. It's so black I can't see. I have been absorbed in talking to my parents and looking at celebrity gossip on the internet. (What a way to spend a Tuesday night!) I took a trip down to Half Price books after work and indulged in three new vintage books. You know when they tell you not to judge a book by it's cover? That's all I do. I have a gem from the 50s, and another two from the 60s sitting in front of me. One is called "The Palace of Eternity", and another "The Return of Dr. Fu Manchu" (yes, that is a real book), and the last one is a pulp novel called "The Tattooed Rood".
The other day my pets broke my scanner that I use for posting things from home (which is why you get to see my sketches via photo!) and I'm desperate for my new one to come in the mail. I know it'll arrive any day, and as the forecast predicts, I am sure I'll find it buried on my front porch under a half a food of snow when it finally arrives. Once that scanner arrives I'll be sure to show you these fantastic covers. Oh, how you'll love The Tattoos on that Rood!
Tonight I drew some girls. I have been drawing characters in my sketchbook for a couple weeks now. It's rare that I get to draw people for work, so I figured I'd indulge today. For some reason I was thinking 'big eyed dolls' all night, and this is what came of my inspiration. Just heads for now... but I think I might just color these ladies up and give them some bodies and post them one of these days. The one on the top right looks like my sister, Victoria, a little bit. Not because of the scowl, but there's something about her!
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