So, somehow I stumbled upon Röyksopp - a Norwegian Electronic Group - one night while I was listening to LastFM. I immediately fell in love with their upbeat, intricate music and have had their new album 'Junior' on repeat since then.
They've been active and making great music since 1998 (what took me so long???).
I love the album art. I love the music. I love the lyrics. Everything about it is just what I need right now. When I've got my headphones on and trying to get some serious work done, it's energizing, silly, and they switch it up constantly. There are some songs that are strange and ethereal, others are meditative, others are perfect for my mid-day dance parties.
Since my two year old European Electronic Music kick started, I feel like it's harder to find sweet music that doesn't sound like it came straight out of the house package on Garageband.
Amazing Royksopp video featuring awesome type and even better space invaders
I love their poppy electronic awesomeness - plus, it seems like they've had non-stop great albums with more than their share of memorable, dancey songs.
The Girl and the Robot - Best song ever
This is my favorite song of the moment. Can't stop dancing.
I know this comment is really late, but YEESSSSS! Royksopp!!!! I like them a ton.