I can't help but love art that verges on the voyeuristic. Maybe it's an American thing to want to see into your neighbors house. And I wonder, would you let Mark shoot your refrigerator at this very moment? How would it reflect on you?
We've been in our fantastic new office for about a month and it already feels official. We're all moved in for the most part, we've got a shelf full of tea, and Dean is back here to keep us company. Besides all of the regular move-in stuff, we've gone official with our Paper Bicycle Decal on the door!
We're now on Lake & Lyndale in the Calhoun Building! It's one of the only arts buildings in Uptown Minneapolis. We have a space on the 6th Floor overlooking some amazing views of one of the busiest corners of the area and have our pick of our favorite lunch places, coffeehouses and gelato.
Now that we've got the sign on the door - feel free to stop by and say hi and tell us how it looks!